De La Torre Solicitors Lawyers
De la Torre Solicitors is a bilingual Spanish-English Legal Firm, wich is specialized in full-service legal advice to foreign non-resident and resident people in Spain.
Our practice is mainly focused in the Costa del Sol and Costa de Almería. Our offices are located in Fuengirola (Málaga), Almería, Albox (Almería), London (UK) and Berlin (Germany). Nevertheless, we provide our professional services all around Spain and collaborate with other specialized and qualified Law Firms in Spain and abroad.
According to our experience in legal advice to people from other countries, we know that our clients need not only a Law Firm which can provide the legal safety that they deserve, but also a personal treatment based on a fluent, effective and accurate communication on their respective matters.
We are a full-service Law Firm with an international focus wich operates on the principles of professionality, excellence, integrity, legality, neutrality and service.
Our Law Firm policy includes to provide the best legal advice to our clients with the highest professional standards.